A Holiday Story of Hope

Last year, Jasmine, at 8 years old, was asked to write her Christmas wish list. She only had one thing on her mind. “I want a house,” she wrote.  Jasmine, her mom, and her siblings had been without a place to call their own since she was 5 years old.  


This year with a tremendous amount of hard work, determination and faith, Jasmine’s mom, and new stepfather persevered. Jasmine’s wish came true. The family moved into a beautiful 4-bedroom home with a trampoline in the backyard in October. Getting to that day involved some special help from Families Together, our partners, and a little “Christmas” magic. 

The family’s challenges with housing began in 2018 when Jasmine’s parents separated. Jasmine’s mother, Mrs. T., had been a stay-at-home mom for 13 years. When she and her kids left their home, she only took the necessities and moved in with her aunt temporarily. She got a job working in a hotel and focused on trying to support her family. 

Mrs. T. says the experience was very traumatic for her and her kids. It took a toll. She realized to truly take care of her kids, she needed to be well herself, so she sought assistance.   

Throughout this time, Mrs. T. was guided by the words of Winston Churchill, “Never let a good crisis go to waste.” She says in hard times, you must find a way to “turn a negative into a positive.” She kept a smile on her face and stayed hopeful for her kids. But she felt the judgment of others. People had a lot of advice, especially regarding her teenage son who is severely autistic, non-verbal, and not potty trained. Some suggested she should give him up but that would never be under consideration for Mrs. T. At these times, she was grateful to be in the church. She says, “there’s a peace I receive.”  

With therapy and assistance from different organizations, she was able to focus in a new way on herself and her kids. She learned about self-care, practiced affirmations, and centered her faith in God.  

She moved her family into her mother’s apartment in a public housing complex while she refined herself and learned how to be more resourceful. As COVID-19 spread worldwide, she researched and studied to gain as much knowledge as she could. A long-time friendship with a man named Mr. J. turned into more. They began dating and eventually became engaged. They set their sights on buying a house. But they had a lot to line up to achieve that goal. Mrs. T. wanted to get out of the public housing because it wasn’t safe but their applications for rental housing were denied repeatedly.  

Mrs. T. and Mr. J. decided a temporary stay in an apartment hotel while they found a house to buy, was their best option. They had a realtor, a pre-qualification letter from a bank and were told it shouldn’t take long. It was the summer of 2021. At first, it seemed like a vacation with a pool for the kids.  But they had no housing rights, and the apartment hotels could tell them to move out at a moment’s notice and they did.  The family bounced from apartment hotel to apartment hotel for 8 months exhausting all their emergency savings.  

One day, Mrs. T. found a resource flyer posted about The Carying Place. She reached out, made contact, and eventually got accepted into their transitional housing program. Mrs. T. and Mr. J. got married and all the while, Mr. J and Mrs. T worked on their goal to buy a house.    

They were approved for a four-month stay in The Carying Place. They built up their savings, gained financial literacy training, and were referred to Families Together for rapid rehousing support. They were connected to a Families Together mentor advocate named Meredith. Mrs. T. says Meredith has done anything and everything to help them find resources while the FT team worked on a housing solution for the family. But finding rental housing was a challenge in this market, especially because their blended family had blossomed to have two parents with four children and one adult child living in another household. As a result, the family endured four more months of living out of apartment hotels, as well as carpooling three school-age children to three different schools with a toddler. Families Together made a pledge for several of these weeks to pay the apartment hotels on their behalf.   

Finally, that magical moment was about to occur. A Families Together Board Member named Marcella was having coffee with her friend Natalie. Natalie shared that she had a house that she was going to sell but she’d rather see it go to help someone in need. Marcella was in the right place at the right time. She quickly contacted Families Together to see if there was a family that might be a good fit for Natalie’s large house.  The immediate answer came back … Yes! Mrs. T. and Mr. J. signed the lease and received keys to their home in October.  

The family and Natalie have since bonded. Mr. J. has been fixing up the house putting his power washing business to work to make it sparkle. Meredith is providing the family with specialized case management along with clothing including, coats, socks, and shoes, and food, household supplies, car repair, bookbags, and school supplies. FT partner The Green Chair Project provided furnishings and bedding. The FT Financial Empowerment and Employment team is working with Mrs. T. and Mr. J. to help them improve their financial stability and achieve goals as they work toward long-term housing success, including their dream to buy a house. 

Mr. J and Mrs. T. say their kids are very happy and she is so appreciative that there are places like Families Together that want to ensure families can stay together and put a stable roof overhead, as well as establish a firm foundation for them to unite as a family with multiple children.     

Mrs. T. notes there are many other people in this global tripledemic (of COVID-19, flu, and RSV) just like her going through the same trials and tribulations. She says, [they] “can be encouraged by remembering to dream big and that you can do it, you can have it and you owe you to educate yourself and your family with the skills to survive any turbulence or trauma that may arise.” Mrs. T. is very, very grateful for the house and for all the people who made it possible. 

Thanks to these efforts, Jasmine and her family will celebrate this Christmas in their own home for the first time in four years. 

5 Ways To Give on Giving Tuesday

Giving Tuesday is a Global Day of Giving that takes place every year on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving. It’s a wonderful way to get immersed in the holiday spirit of giving.

This year Giving Tuesday is on November 29th and we’d love for you to join us!  

Here are 5 ways you can get in the spirit and help local families move from homelessness to home.    



Join or form a volunteer painting crew or a renovation site prep team. We need help at our Emergency Shelter apartments with painting decks and stairways. And we need help at the site of our soon-to-be transitional housing triplex with preparation for renovation inside and out.  Contact Sara Karbley, our Volunteer and Outreach Coordinator, at Sara@FamiliesTogetherNC.org for details. 



Lend your expertise and special skills. Families in our program will benefit from your help in areas such as tutoring, resume writing, and mock interviewing.  We also need help from people with a knack for landscaping, carpentry, or gardening to give our properties ongoing TLC. Please reach out to Sara Karbley, our Volunteer and Outreach Coordinator at Sara@FamiliesTogetherNC.org to explore opportunities. 



TRIPLE YOUR IMPACT when you make a financial contribution on Giving Tuesday, November 29th! A special Match Fund is currently growing, and we’re excited to share the details with you soon.  If you’d like to help create the Match Fund, contact Danielle Pennington, our Development Manager, at Danielle@FamiliesTogetherNC.org.  

Please save the date – November 29th – and stay tuned. We’ll be sharing fun and exciting information as Giving Tuesday - our Triple Impact Match Day – approaches! 



Donate a Thanksgiving meal for a family or holiday gifts to a child for Christmas. The Thanksgiving Meals Drive and Holiday Smiles program are two wonderful annual traditions at Families Together. For information on either one, please contact Sara Karbley at Sara@FamiliesTogetherNC.org.  Thanksgiving items will be collected on Monday, November 21st and Holiday Smiles sponsors will be asked to deliver gifts for their sponsored children between December 12-14.   



Spread the word about the rise in family homelessness in our community and the need for our mission. Did you know we are on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter? Did you know we have a YouTube Channel? Our handle for all is @families2gether. Did you know we have a blog on our website? We need and welcome your help by staying informed about housing and homelessness in Wake County; by sharing, liking and commenting on our posts; and by encouraging your friends, neighbors, co-workers, and family members to join our efforts to help more families move from homelessness to home.  


Make your plan for Giving Tuesday and join people from across the globe working together to make the world a better place for all. We hope you’ll include Families Together in your plans! 

Voter Information for Wake County 2022

Elections are right around the corner, and we are here to give you all the information you need to register to vote! We have also included important deadlines for voter registration in Wake County. 

How do I register to vote? 

  • The deadline to register or update your existing voter info is Friday, October 14th. You can do this via the NC Department of Motor vehicles at https://tinyurl.com/ya9c5oej

  • You can also register in person at early voting sites from October 20th- November 5th. (You cannot register to vote on Election Day (November 8th). At the site, you will need to provide proof of residency (driver’s license, utility bill, bank statement, etc.). This link has a list of early voting sites with dates, places, and times https://tinyurl.com/2nyyycbt 

  • You can register and vote on the same day, if it is BEFORE November 8th 

Who is on my ballot? 

  • To find out more information on who will be on your ballot this election season, go to this website https://tinyurl.com/yba8bovf and click on voter information to verify your registration, find your polling place, and view your sample ballot request and absentee ballot and more 

  • For the November 8th election, the ballot is printed on both sides of the page. Be sure to turn it over and mark both sides 

When can I vote? 

  • If you wish to vote via an absentee ballot, you must request one by November 1st (sooner is better). And the ballot must be received by the board of elections by Election Day (November 8th) 

  • You can also vote at early voting sites (see link above) 

  • You can also vote on election day (November 8th) at your polling place 

How can I get information about candidates for local elections? 

  • Local elections are often overlooked but many important decisions concerning our lives are made at this level 

  • Forums for Raleigh City Council candidates are occurring between September 12th and October 1st 

  • Go here for a list of dates and how to register. They will also be live streamed https://tinyurl.com/2q3lajla 

  • One Wake is also sponsoring a forum for the Raleigh City Council Candidate Assembly, on October 6th, 7:30-9:00 pm at St. Ambrose Episcopal Church, 813 Darby Street, Raleigh. In-person attendance is strongly recommended, but there will be a hybrid option, for more information see this link https://tinyurl.com/2hh89ywq 

Families Together is pleased to announce that our very own Lisa Rowe, Executive Director, will be moderating a candidate forum on Thursday, September 29th for District E, at Clouds Brewing on Front Street, from 6 pm - 8 pm. If you wish to register or view the event, you can visit this link here for more information https://tinyurl.com/2q3lajla

FamiliesSadie Williams
Workshops Are Back!!

After over two and a half years, we finally had our first in-person workshop a few weeks ago! Our workshops are designed for the families in our program with a focus on the often-complex challenges they face as a result of experiencing homelessness. Our goal is to provide vital life skills training that helps families achieve long-term housing stability.  

Our Housing Matters curriculum offers a total of seven workshops that cover topics like budgeting, communicating with your landlord and neighbors, tenant rights, self-care, and credit repair. Previously, we had met in space at the Food Bank of Central and Eastern North Carolina, but due to COVID, we haven’t been able to meet in person, until last week! 

For our first-time back meeting in person, it was only fitting that our workshop was titled, “Self-Care and Stress Management Techniques” with a focus to, “inform, empower, and provide individuals with necessary tools to minimize stress, compassion fatigue, and burnout.” Just like our past in-person workshops, childcare was provided for the families so that all parents could attend. We are excited to be holding workshops in person again and hope these sessions continue to provide families with new tools, resources, and skills that they can draw on as they take steps toward housing stability. 

FamiliesSadie Williams
New Data from Wake County

A steady drumbeat of reporting on the alarming increase in housing and rental prices continues to grow in Wake County. Our organization has experienced the consequences as the community's need for housing and homelessness services grows. But even so, the latest data on homelessness in Wake County throws us back on our heels. The number of people experiencing homelessness in Wake County has nearly doubled since 2020 – in just two years! According to the most recent Point In Time count of homeless persons, Wake County has experienced a 68% one-year increase and a 99.5% increase since 2020 (https://tinyurl.com/25p47ls4). These statistics include families with children who are especially vulnerable to long-term trauma caused by homelessness. Based on data from the Wake County Public School System, we estimate that 7,000 children will experience homelessness this year when considering children too young to attend school.  

At Families Together, we are growing our team (now at an all-time high of 30 staff members), and our mission to help do our part to address this significant community challenge. We thank all who share our belief that every family deserves a home and children should never have to wonder where they’re going to sleep at night. And we welcome all interested in joining our vital cause. For ongoing updates, please consider following us on social media @families2gether.  

Board Member Update

Families Together is bidding farewell to some of our Board members, which is always bittersweet. We say goodbye to members who have been with us through years of challenge, growth, and inspiring change. But we also get to welcome a new Board member who is sure to bring new ideas, passion, and talent to our organization.

Katie Kingsbery has been with Families Together since February 2014 as a representative of Good Shepherd Lutheran Church and in more recent years as an at-large Board member. Throughout the years, Katie provided invaluable leadership, perspective, and guidance through her service on the Board and on several committees. A fact which we are grateful for is that while Katie leaves the Board, she has kindly agreed to continue serving on her committees. Having former Board members on committees helps ensure continuity and institutional knowledge so we’re fortunate not to have to say goodbye yet.

Doug Strom joined the Families Together Board in August of 2018 and became our Treasurer in October of that year – a position he held until December 2021. Doug served during a period of incredible growth at Families Together. His expertise, leadership and diligence have been enormously impactful and are much appreciated by all of us at FT. We look forward to staying in touch as Doug embarks on exciting new ventures.

Thank you so much, Katie and Doug, for your time, talent, and treasure. Your stalwart service and dedication have yielded amazing improvements in what Families Together does and how we operate.

We are now thrilled to welcome our newest Board Member, Michael Fagan. He joins us as the representative of St. Philip Lutheran Church, replacing Kathy Blum who has graciously agreed to remain on the Board for a period of transition. Mike is President and CEO of Attindas, an international company that produces adult and baby diapers. He brings a unique perspective as a church leader and a business executive to our organization. Mike is married to Catalina, who shares his passion for our mission, and has four children.

Welcome, Michael. We are excited to have you on board!

Client Success Story: Ms. B!

A single mother of 4 (ages 15, 12, 8, and 1), Ms. B began working with the Families Together FEE (Financial Empowerment and Employment) team with the hope of finding full-time employment to increase her household income.

The FEE team immediately got to work! They started with updating her resume, assisted with job coaching, and helped her search for a job that was the right fit. While on her search she was offered a job, but, with support and advice from the FEE Team, ultimately did not accept the position because it did not fit her needs for long-term stability.  It was great to see Ms. B thinking about long-term goals instead of short-term satisfaction!

While searching for jobs, it became clear that she would need to attend training and receive further certifications to increase her income. FEE team member Taniscia worked with Ms. B, and they decided it would be best to attend CNA (Certified Nurses Aid) II training. Families Together was able to offer her financial assistance so that she could complete this training. Once Ms. B successfully completed training, she secured a raise at her current place of employment. She then committed to continuing her education by getting her medical technician certification, which she was able to pay for out of pocket.  

While working with the FEE team, Ms. B also worked on her budgeting skills and created long-term financial goals. Ms. B and her 4 children are now in a STABLE home, she is earning more money, putting some in savings, and creating her own monthly budget. Ms. B recently graduated the Families Together program but we will remain in touch, and look forward to seeing all the bright things ahead in her future.

GivingTuesday – The Gift that Keeps on Giving

GivingTuesday is an international day of giving and generosity that started in 2012. The idea was simple: after Black Friday and Cyber Monday are over, create a day dedicated to encouraging people to do good however they define that. The organizers wanted to show that there are untold numbers of individuals who are willing, able and eager to act and help make the world a better place.

At Families Together, people have responded to GivingTuesday’s call to do good in ways we could not have imagined. We are surrounded by a community ready to give back. Every year we are blown away by the incredible generosity and support we receive on GivingTuesday. Perhaps no year proved this better than last year. In the midst of the third wave of Coronavirus pandemic, we entered the holiday season completely unsure of what to expect. The result was astounding, and the impact was even greater. This year, we hope to be as successful. Thankfully we already have much for which to be grateful: three long-time donors have pledged a total of $40,000 and created a Match Fund that will triple your impact on Tuesday, November 30th – GivingTuesday 2021. Your contributions on GivingTuesday this year will be tripled in value: that is three times the impact.

It is also important to note that GivingTuesday is also about giving Families Together the opportunity to honor and thank not only our donors, but our hard-working employees that labor each day to help the families we serve to survive and then to THRIVE. It is a day we pay tribute to the volunteers who lovingly put together Welcome Baskets for families transitioning into housing; or, sweat through two t-shirts in the summer sun as they landscape so that children and families have a place to play; or, come out of retirement to provide tutoring to students who were forced out of the classroom by COVID-19. It is also a day to extend our gratitude to supporters, volunteers and community members who show their support and generosity of spirit by spreading the word about the challenges homeless families face. Every GivingTuesday we are blessed with the opportunity to not only experience the generosity of so many in our community, but also extend it to all those who touch our lives and the lives of the families we serve.

Therefore, it is with gratitude and honor that we invite you to join Families Together and participate in GivingTuesday on Tuesday, November 30th in any way that moves you. If you are interested in maximizing your impact through a donation that will be tripled in value, stay tuned for details and be sure to check our website on November 30th. It is also our extreme pleasure to thank you for all that you do for families experiencing homelessness and our community.


#GivingTuesday2021 #FamiliesTogether

We purchased TWO New Properties!

Families Together is proud to share that we expanded our Affordable Housing portfolio in July with the acquisition of a duplex and triplex in west Raleigh. The duplex features 2, three-bedroom units and the triplex features 3, two-bedroom units. All will be used for transitional housing This means the families housed there will pay no more than 25% of their household income on rent, which will give them the opportunity to work with a Mentor Advocate and focus on achieving goals for things like financial stability, savings, employment, education, and health. Both properties require a few small renovations and repair, and with the help of volunteers, we are excited to give five new families a place to call home in the coming months!

Wake County loses an average of 1,000 affordable units each year. Families Together is proud to continue to serve as a leading housing support provider in our communities coordinated response for homeless families in Wake County

Bridge to Big Life Goals!

When this family of five (mom, grandmother, two adult children, and one 10-year-old) was asked to vacate their rental property, they had nowhere to go and were forced to move into a motel. On nights when they were unable to cover the motel cost, they had no choice but to sleep in their car. Their goal was to have a home again, but most of their income was going to the motel room, so they were constantly playing catch up. They were stuck in a cycle of paying night after night. After several months of instability, they were referred to Families Together and enrolled in the Bridge Housing program. The Bridge program allowed the family a chance to have a stable place to stay while they continued to work towards their goals and save for permanent housing. 

After eight months, and in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, this family was finally able to find a place of their own to call home. They used the funds saved while in the program and signed a lease in their own name. Since then, the family has maintained stability while participating in case management services and financial education workshops. They recently re-signed their lease for another year and are looking forward to continuing making their house a home. 

Throughout their entire journey, the mom has consistently worked full-time in order to provide for her family. She also provides care to her elderly mother, who is on dialysis and requires frequent medical care. Her two adult children have also maintained focus while pursuing their goals. One of them is working part-time and pursuing a degree in cosmetology. The other is working in the car business as he pursues a degree in automotive services at Wake Tech. 

Throughout their time in the program, this family has been committed to giving back. On Thanksgiving day, they delivered a hot meal to a family sleeping on the street. The mom shares that her ultimate goal is to open her own non-profit so she can help others in need. She has begun meeting with an Employment Mentor Advocate to take steps towards her career goals!